Want to Help Support Our Adoption?

Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Life...New Blog

Friend and Family, We are starting a new blog.  Our adoption journey is over!  Please follow our adventures at: www.letterneaulife.blogspot.com
Can't say enough thank yous for all the love and support posted throughout this adoption blog.  THANK YOU!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Back to Blogging

Well, another month has come and gone.  When we first got home, every month was full of changes and firsts. Now, we can actually say things like, 'Wow, this month flew by'.  This being said, I have decided to be more intentional about blogging regularly.  No more of this once a month thing.  I can't promise it will be every week but that is my goal.  I do enjoy it so I'm really going to try to carve out time.

General August Update:
August was a fantastic month.  The weather has finally been heating up so we've spent many days at the beach with friends, by the pool, and at SeaWorld Ava is still crazy about arts and crafts and starts every morning by crawling into my bed with her magnetic drawing board.  She's learning more and more everyday...it's unbelievable!  She is surpassing what we think or assume she can do.  Her big accomplishment of the month is that she learned to dress herself.  When she successfully dresses herself she does a little happy dance around the room which is too cute for words :-)   Well, there is the short and sweet summary of August.  Expect more frequent posts throughout the next month.

Fun in the sun and by the water...



Some other special events...
Auntie Erica took Ava to paint pottery.  Perfect day for little Ava

The girls went out for teatime to spend some time with Erica before she leaves for another year of teaching overseas in Vietnam. 

Wild Animal Park 

My favorite Ava photos of the month...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


What an amazing month for our family.  Every month gets a little smoother and a little easier now.  Ava is just so much fun!!!  Update time...

 Therapy and Progress:
Ava just finished her special needs summer school program.   She did great and loved the going each day.  She was excited to see her friends and teachers and by the end of the 5 weeks she was practically pushing me out the door when I'd drop her off.  Every day when she'd come home from school, she would take her work out of her backpack and put it on the fridge.  It was neat to see how proud she was of herself and her hard work.  She got great marks on her summer report card and her teachers were very impressed with her progress.  She even got a special award for sharing :-)

 Ava with her award and a free meal at Claim Jumper!

I LOVE her therapists at CCS (California children services).  We are so blessed by the wonderful therapist that have been assigned to Ava.  She is working so hard and it's showing!  She is getting much better at eating, chewing, and swallowing.  Many people have also commented that she is talking so much more.  People are even able to pick up words she is trying to say !!!  We pray for continued progress in this area every day! 

Home life:
Life at home is wonderful!  I am still home with Ava everyday and there is no place I'd rather be.  Her bond with James and I is so strong and we are so thankful that she's adjusted so beautifully.

 Dressing up is one of our favorite activities

 Daddy is very popular once he gets home from work

 Almost every weekend we head down to San Marcos to visit my parents.  Ava loves her Mimi, Papa, and Auntie and she loves going down to the lake!

Special Events:
July 4th  It was such a special holiday this year.  Ava got to celebrate living in this wonderful country...and boy did she celebrate!  She sure looks cute in red, white, and blue

Family Photos:  My dad took some great pictures of family while James' family was in town! 

Ava with her cousins

James' family!  Well, my family too :-)

And, my family...our family :-)

Monterey Trip
James had a business trip to Monterey and Ava and I tagged along.  We had a great time!!!

Our 4th Wedding Anniversary:

My Crafts! 
Money is still tight as I have decided to stay home with Ava for now.  I am trying hard to sell my crafts.  I work really hard on them and love doing it at home with Ava!  Please pass the word along or order for yourself if you have a gift you need to get!

I hope that you all enjoyed a great month of July!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

June Update...

What an AMAZING month it has been.  Ava continues to blend into our family perfectly and now we can't even remember what life was like without her.  Here the update break down:  

 Meeting MORE family and friends:
James' family FINALLY got to meet their newest family member.  We have been busy playing with cousins, Grandma, and Auntie Nicole for 3 weeks before they go back to Washington where they live.  It's been lots of fun!  Ava also loves spending time with her Mimi, Papa and Auntie and continues to develop a sweet bond with them.
Along with introducing Ava to more family members,  we also had the last of our four meet and greets.  Now I think almost everyone has had the opportunity to meet little Ava.  On the 17th, James' work threw us a beautiful meet and greet at his work during lunch.  They had decorated in pretty pink colors, and had Princess and Disney galour.  Ava was thrilled with her sweet goody bag and we were blessed by his coworkers who attended. 
Last weekend we had a get together in Simi Valley where James' extended family and his best friends from high school got to meet Ava at long last.  It was another great day filled with celebrating!
Ava with her cousins Kale (3) and Kyleigh (6)

Ava and her Grandma!  

On the 18th of the month Ava had surgery to remove her adinoids and to get tubes put in her ears.  The operation went well and the recovery was smooth.  She is breathing better through her nose and, we assume, can hear much better.  There have now gotten her checked out by several doctors and there are no more major medical concerns for her at this time. YAY!

Little Sweetie after her operation.  Mama not happy that her baby isn't happy :-(

We completed Ava's IEP testing (Individual Education Plan) this month.  Ava has qualified for Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy and, best of all, she has been placed in a special day preschool class at the elementary school down the road.  Ava has gone for two days already.  Mom has cried when dropping her off both times :-(  The class is only two hours, four days a week and is intended to get special needs children who are high functioning ready for mainstream Kindergarten.  She seems to be having a great time and enjoying the challenges that the classroom setting presents.  We are excited for her to have this opportunity and believe she will flourish. 
Ava is still not speaking but has a total of 30 signs that she uses all the time!  I never feel like I don't understand her.  She's great at finding ways to communcate exactally what she needs (and WANTS...she's is pretty darn bossy :-)

Ava in Occupational Therapy

Home Life:
I think we can say that we are officially settled in as a family of three and life is pretty normal (or as normal as it can be with a four year old)  No more tears when it's time to brush our teeth or change our clothes.  She's one well adjusted California girl.  She loves the beach and the pool and anything to do with water and sun!  I can't say I blame her after having experienced a true winter in Pavlodar.  She is even more affectionate and loving than she was before which we didn't think was possible.  She brings light and love to everyone around her.  We rarely meet someone who doesn't comment on her beautiful smile and sweet nature.  We are blessed!!!       

 Still loves that drawing board

Ava and Mama go to the park almost every day!

Ava and Jamesy reading before bed time. 

Our pretty lady rolling in the grass and soaking up the sunshine!

Special Events
Father's Day:  This month we celebrated Father's Day at the beach and had a great time honoring some great Fathers! 
Those great Fathers I mentioned :-)  Ava's Daddy, my Grandfather, and my Dad.

Ava thinks Auntie Erica is a great place to rest. 

Building a sand castle with Papa.

Dance Lessons:  Ava is such a little Dancing Queen that we thought we'd sign her up for ballet class.  She does a great job following the teachers directions and most importantly, she has a great time. 
Buying her the gear

The Ballerina in action.  Ava loves this picture

Our Star! 

Professional Photos: We wanted to get some professional photos done of Ava before she grows up any more!  We were pretty pleased with them

We hope that you had a great month of June.  ~The Letterneaus

Sunday, May 30, 2010

May ...Our first full month home

Well, it's been a great month with lots of exciting things to report!  We have now been home with Ava for a month and a half and she has been in our custody full time for 2 months now.  Now that we've gotten into a routine we can't remember what it was like without her here.  Here is the break down of our first full month home with Ava D.

Meeting Family and Friends: 
We took it pretty slow when it came to introducing Ava to our loved ones.  We read and heard that taking it slow is best for and adopted child as they adjust to their new parents and new surroundings.  On May 8th we had a small shower put on by a great friend of mine.  It was perfect!  Everything was beautiful and we felt so loved and supported.  It was wonderful to have people meet Ava.  Everyone was so respectful and understanding about giving her space but also enjoyed her company and showed her lots of love.    

The following Sunday Ava was able to meet my extended family.  I have many wonderful Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins who have been incredibly supportive throughout this adoption and who have been waiting for over a year now to welcome Ava into their family.  We had a great day of celebrating but unfortunately I was far too busy chasing around Miss Ava to take pictures.  We did get a few from that day:

On average Ava and I are going to the doctors or specialists about 2 times a week.  That will get less after we finish seeing all the specialists that need to be seen.  So far we know that Ava will need an operation to get her adnoids removed and tubes put in her ears.  They found that her adnoids are blocking about 80% of her nasal passage.  Because of this her mouth is almost constantly open because that is the only way she can breath.  Poor girl.  So we are going to get those removed on the 18th June.  The doctor has said that the operation only takes about 5 minutes to preform and that there is not much time needed for recovery.  We are excited to get this fixed so our poor baby girl can breath through her nose and so that she can hear better.  

We are in the middle of getting Ava assessed through our local school district so she can get qualified for therapy.  On June 22 we have a meeting to diccusss her plan for therapy.  BUT, on her own Ava has grown and learned so much this past month.  We go the park almost everyday and she climbs, runs, and WORKS hard!  Lucky for us she sees it as play not as work...the girl is so determined to conquer the playground!  She is understanding English wonderfully.  She is still not speaking but she is definitely understanding us and finding ways to communicate through signs.

Home Life:
James is back at work and Ava and I are home together every week day.  I AM LOVING being at home with her.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.  It's certainly challenging and exhausting at times but I love spending this time with her and watching her grow and learn.  Ava loves when her Daddy comes home and James has been great about giving me a break when he gets home from work.  Here are a few shots from our daily life at home in beautiful Ladera Ranch.

Special Events:
We have done some pretty special things with Ava this past month.  We have gone to Sea World, the Beach, and celebrated our first Mother's Day. Sea World was a lot for little Ava to take in.  We did get passes so I think the more we go, the more she will enjoy it!  Ava loves the beach.  She sure is a water baby.  She could have played in the water all day if we let her.  Mother's Day this year was very special not only b/c it was my first Mother's Day with Ava but because I got to also spend it with my Mother who I missed so much when we were overseas. 
Sea World:
Mother's Day:
I'm sure I'm forgetting things but at this time of night, it's all I can recall :-)  Morning comes quick so I better catch some sleep while I can.  Goodbye May, Hello June...Stay tuned for the June update next month.