Want to Help Support Our Adoption?

Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Trip Delayed - Take Two

Hello All,
This will be quick because we are still hoping and praying to travel before our visa expires (which is in 10 days). Our travel was postponed because the Kazakhstan government did not properly register this little toddler and therefore she must be re-registered before she becomes available for adoption. She will be available in three months. Three months isn't a long wait but it does mean that our visa will be expired and we will have to re-apply for it.
PRAYER is what we are asking for right now. Here are some specific requests:
1) The KAZ government miraculously finds this child's file in the next few days allowing us to travel on our current visa.
2) That, if the child's file is not found, we get a referral before the end of the year and are able to obtain a new visa quickly.
3) That God gives us patience as we wait for this little girl to come off the registry in three months.
There is so much more on our minds and hearts but we will leave it for our next post. At this point, we are still hoping for good news before the end of the month. If that date comes and goes before we leave, I'll post a longer update.
Much Love,
Kari and James

We had a great time in Santa Cruz last weekend for Kari's cousin's wedding :-) Family is such a blessing and an encouragement in stressful times such as this.

1 comment:

Megan said...

We will continue to remember you in our prayers. I know you will get a sweet little princess when the timing is right. It is hard to see the big picture at times, but years down the road it will all be worth it. Good luck to you two!!

- Megan (Osmun) Baker