Want to Help Support Our Adoption?

Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Scarves

Christmas blessings to you and your family! We are filled with excitement in our home knowing that our trip is just about 1 month away. Since two of our previous trips were cancelled last minute we do ask for continued prayer that our travel plans continue to move forward without delay.
I wanted to remind you that I have beautiful scarves for sale that make perfect gifts for the holidays. Your purchases continue to bless the financial aspect of our adoption.
Merry Christmas!


qmiller said...

Hi! Would love to order a couple of scarves to support your upcoming adventure, but don't have your email address. If you'd drop me a private email, perhaps we could arrange something. Thanks and best wishes on good news for travel in January!

Kari said...

Thank you Quaintance for your support!