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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Another Day, in Pictures...

We started the day by watching Darina in her swimming lessons again and then took her into the exercise room where James built a big tower out of the soft, block-like, objects in the room. Darina had a great time climbing all over them.

Our sweet girl is finally starting to run out of patience for my excessive picture taking so we got a lot of the side profile today.

Next, we played with stickers and one got stuck on her nose!

James read her a story which, to my surprise, she listened to very closely.

Time for Bubbles!

Since we have the oldest cell phone in history, I played snake while we waited for our ride to lunch. This was a favorite game of mine when I got my first cell phone back in HIGH SCHOOL!

The sky was just so blue and beautiful today that we couldn't resist! Plus, it matched my sweater.

Don't let her cute face fool you, this girl knows exactly what she wants and has no problem letting us know it!

Someone was painting the outside of the baby house and Darina was very intrigued.

This little princess decided that she doesn't like when her feet touch the ground :-)

This picture just makes me smile.

Fun time before we have to say goodbye for the night :-(

This is our friend Peggy and her brother Kevin. Peggy and her husband, Jan, are adopting a little boy from the baby house. Jan is back in Belgium where they live so Peggy's brother came to stay with her for a few weeks. We met them for dinner tonight at Classic Pizza.

After dinner we went to their apartment to play games. Jan was on the phone so I took a picture...Hi Jan!
Love to you all from Kazakhstan...Goodnight from the Letterneaus :-)


Becki Stone said...

Gosh she is a pretty girl!! She has a smile that will melt your heart! :)
I'm loving the pictures!

Rae Lynn Lott said...

Hahaha..Kari, you would ALWAYS play snake and you were so good at it! Too funny. I am loving the stories and pictures you guys are posting. Keep 'em coming! Love you!!!

pam said...

Thank you for the cute pictures Kari and James! It looks like you have been busy!We love you soooo much and can't wait until you are home!

Erica P said...

I just want to give her a huge stinkin kiss!

Jennifer said...

Snake!! That brings back some mems! Love all the pics!! Love you more though :)