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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Same Place, Same Girl, Different Hat

We didn't do much of anything new today but we did take some more pictures. Darina also learned how to brush her hair. On our lunch break James got his hair cut for a whopping $2.33. That's not even good for a tip in the U.S. Now, we are in for the night eating rice for dinner (again)and watching the end of the Padres/Mets game for the second time today.

I just love this picture!

You will notice in all our pictures that Darina mainly uses her left hand. This is b/c her right hand is the hand affected by her CP.

She fell off the swing a little later in the day and did a face plant. No tears however. Sadly, children who grow up in orphanages learn to not associate pain with crying since, when they do, they are often ignored.

Look at those dirty pants...someone was playing hard today.

We picked her up a swung her around after she successfully took several steps on her own. She thought it was fun to be swung around and so the walking lesson stopped :-(

She sure does have a big smile.

It snowed in Pavlodar this morning and we didn't think we'd be able to go outside today but by the afternoon the sun came out just for us.

Getting Pretty!


Becki Stone said...

Oh I love the picture of her combing her hair! So sweet! She looks like such a sweet girl!!! :)

Tiffany Peek said...

How much more time do you have to spend in KAZ? Are you waiting for a court date now?

Megan said...

She is just beaming - what a light you two have made in her life. Keep encouraging her to use her other hand - miracles happen and you will be amazed!!

Lou Ann said...

So sweet, so happy, so much love!

Aunt Kristie said...

Dear Kari and James and Darina, quit having so much fun with out us. I hope she likes tractor rides, Steffan said he can teach her to drive. Congratulations on the work you have been doing, the world needs more James's and Kari's in it.
Love you,
Aunt Kristie

Erica P said...

She doesn't need to do much to get pretty because she is already so stinking cute! Your pictures are adorable! Love you guys so much. You ALL need to come home soon.

pam said...

That hat looks so cute on Darina! Her smile couldn't be cuter! She looks like such a happy girl. Missing you...Mom