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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Still Waiting...

As our coordinator and the judge were going over paper work for court they noticed a few dates in Darina's paperwork that didn't line up. They need to correct these mistakes which means that we can't get a court date until this is done. Please pray that this gets done by then end of the week. PLEASE PRAY!
Today was another great day with Darina. She is such a doll. It is difficult for us to watch as she process through all these changes and deals with the confusion of
transitioning from a life in the orphanage to a life with us. It's getting harder and harder to hand her back each night knowing that no one will be giving her goodnight kisses or reading her a bedtime story. As good of an orphanage as this one is, children belong with families. Families that are there at all times not just from 10am-6pm.
Anyway, we are sorry that all our pictures don't change much from day to day but our life at the baby house doesn't vary much. Enjoy!

She just can't get enough of playing with stickers!

Darina is such a champ at using her sippie cup now. Chilren at the baby house use bottles until they are 8 months old and then go straight to using normal cups. The sippie cup was a very foreign object to her at first but now she's got it down!

This is a monumental moment in Darina's life. She watched her first Disney movie today. Finding Nemo!

Since Darina started walking independently a few weeks ago, she has decided that she much prefers to be carried everywhere. Our last few trips outside she has refused to get out of her stroller but today she was on her feet and ready to explore.

The swing is not her favorite thing but it makes for a cute picture :-)

Dada took Darina's hand and taught her how to write her name..AVA

Darina and I watched a few videos from some past visits with her. We also show her videos of her friends and family back home as well as her new house in Ladera Ranch. Her favorite video is of Zoe(our dog) and Jake(my parent's dog) playing.


Aunt Kristie said...

oh cute...I can't wait until she watches ALL of the great Disney films. She and Bella will be the best disney actors in the family!!! Please get the dates corrected and on your way. We will pray for you guys.
Love you,
Aunt Kristie :+)

Becki Stone said...

I will be praying for you and your court date. Darina is just a doll!!! She looks like she has a wonderful personality- and I have to say you 3 make a beautiful family!

Erica P said...

K I just started tearing up at the fact that James taught her how to write her name. She has come so far with you guys which proves why God has brought you into her life. She is the luckiest girl to have parents like you. I was telling my roommates how she already has her auntie tied around her finger. It's going to be dangerous when you get home and when I start getting paychecks! How did she like Nemo? She is going to love that little pup of yours!

Jennifer said...

How exciting to introduce her to Disney movies and your pets...so many blessings await her she has no idea (not to mention the blessing of the best parents ever!!) Love you!!!

Kelly Vroman said...

I have been out of town for a little while and just got a chance to look at the blogs-It was fun having so many to read and catch up on! Man she is soooo cute and looks like you guys have come up with some new things to keep you busy! I will be praying for you (and mostly her) that everything gets straightened out asap! Because I do agree it is heart breaking to walk away leaving your baby (if it weren't for the lack of love and kisses-I would say that the break could be nice;-)but it would kill me to leave Anya somewhere everyday! But so soon this will be in the past! Did she like Nemo? And did she not like the kitty she has at home? Pets are probably so foreign to here!