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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Monday, April 20, 2009

A Warm Day and a Warm Welcome!

Today was a great day with Darina. We missed her so much after not seeing her on Sunday. Apparently she missed up too. A few different staff members told us that Darina was crying and pointing to the door that we usually walk through to come get her. When we finally did pick her up today she gave us a huge smile and a big hug. Aww, so sweet.
Keep praying for a court date. We should have one very soon. It is obviously a little stressful being away from work for this long but we really wanted to complete this trip as a family and so that’s what we are planning on doing. Hopefully that court date comes soon! We took lots of pictures today so bare with us.

The First Visit of the Day:

Surprise Surprise...More Drawing!

Oh my, could she be any cuter!?!

We practiced using a straw this morning. She had no idea what a straw was. She is still a little confused by it but she's getting there.

Second Visit of the Day:
Getting ready to go outside!

I (Kari) cannot participate in this activity b/c I'll get sick!
You will notice that James is in a short leaved shirt and Darina is all bundled up. It was actually pretty warm today but the baby house is very strict about the children's outside attire to make sure that they don't get sick.

Awesome picture

Darina is very into saying hello to everyone who walks around the baby house.

Fun with Bubbles!

She loved trying to grab them

Trying it out for herself



Sleepy after a long day of playing.


baloo said...

Kari and James! These pics are just beautiful. We will be glad to hear when you are on your way home, just like everyone else. You guys are doin' good. Just keep hangin' on.
Sandra Sherritt

Sheral said...

It melts my heart when I hear that Darina is so excited to see you guys, and I know you are just as excited to see her everytime. All the pictures are just wonderful, you are a wonderful family. They are all soooo cute how can a grandma ever decide which one to put on her desktop for the day? Love ya lots, can't wait to see all three of you. Praying for an unprecidented quick court date and waiver of the 15 days, miracles happen!
Love Mom

Becki Stone said...

Oh she is beautiful! It is a great sign that she is getting attached to you!!!! I'll be praying for your court date! Hugs!

baloo said...

I am so happy to hear that she is already attached to you two. And it is amazing the progress one can make with love and attention, just imagine what she will do when you get her home! Let's all say it together - WAIVER, WAIVER.
Love ya,
Aunt Judy

Megan said...

I just LOVE looking at all these pictures. You can just see the light in her eyes in all these pictures. What a wonderful experience to be able to spend so much one on one time bonding. It is amazing the progress she is making already. I am so happy for you!

Jennifer said...

My favorite pic is the one where she's going Up on the seesaw. She just couldn't be happier :) You are already a family - I love it!

Kelly Vroman said...

I LOVE the pictures TOO!!!! I love the one of Kari and Darina "Could she be any cuter" NO!! And I love the smail on her face that you are there to play with her! How lucky the 3 of you are!

Erica P said...

Oh my gosh these pictures are cute! Like you said...I don't think she could be any cuter! I cannot wait for you to bring that baby home! Is she saying hello in English? I also agree with Sheral, how precious it is that she misses you so much when you are gone. Hopefully she never decides to pull a me though by running out the door after you guys. P.S. I am bummed that I made my user name Sister Bear...I think it should be Auntie Erica. Oh well. Love you and hope to hear soon about a court date!