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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Court Date!!!

Yup...we got a court date today.  We will be in a court a week from tomorrow...next Thursday...February 25th at 10:00am!  We are so excited.  We expected a quick court date but deep down I feared it would be for two or three weeks out!  Thank you Lord.  We are excited about heading into phase II off mission, Bring Ava Home! 
My sister left two days ago and is actually in the air on her final stretch right now.  We had so much fun with her and are so grateful that she was able to visit Ava in her home country.
The weather is warming up and we are sooooo excited!!  It has been in the positive degrees for the last two days.  It no longer hurts to breathe, I can look straight, instead of down when I walk...awww, lovely.  

Our last visit with Erica:
"Mom, I only have one more day to color with Auntie.  Please stop bugging me with these photos!"

XOXOXO...We'll miss you Erica!

Ava really loved this book we borrowed called, God Made you from your Nose to your Toes.

Finally a picture of her looking up!  She sure does have beautiful eyes!

Ava was cute on this day and was dancing up a storm.  I have no pictures of the dancing b/c I was taking video.  We'll post that video next post along with some others from our trip.

Cuddle Bug

The blue wall in this visitation room is just so awful in pictures.  At least the walls can't ruin the black and white photos. 

Much love and thanks for your prayers as we mentally, physically, spiritually prepare for court again!


FOSDICK said...

James, HAPPY (BELATED) Birthday!!!
Congradulations on getting the court date. Sure hope the rest of the "Process" goes as well.


Becki Stone said...

YAY!!!! I'm praying for a smooth court date! =)

Sheral said...

Yipee ~ Wahoo!!! Prayers coming from all over for a smooth day in court and an uneventfull waiting period.

Give each other hugs from me and both of you give Ava a big giant hug from her grandma.

Love all of you!!

Susan said...

so GLAD YOU GOT fast court date. Lord knows you deserve it.I pray it all goes smoothly.

Leeza and I were playing with her letters last night. She knew them all..I was so proud. :)
Ava is sooooooo lucky to have such a talented mommy. :)

She really does have beautiful eyes. I love all the beauties from Kazakhstan. :)

Jan De Bock said...

Praying for a happy end next thursday.

Katy said...

Yes !!!!

Next week !

Lyle and Darcy said...

Hallelujah! Hoping for a great day in court & a smooth waiting period!

Jennifer said...

Praise the Lord! Will be praying hard core for the court date - God's hand is upon the entire thing! Love you guys and so thankful this trip is going so amazing!