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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thanks for participating in our little questionaire.  That was fun!  Here are the answers!
Who does Ava prefer when...
1)  she wants to get away with something she knows she's not supposed to do?
Mom:  I know this might change once I'm the one home with her during the days but right now James is definitely the rule follower and I'm the softie!
2)  she wants someone to draw her a picture other than a flower, or letters of the alphabet?
Dad:  For those of you who don't know, James is a wonderful artist!  Ava really likes to watch his drawings unfold.  Sometimes I start drawing a shape or writing her name and she turns the page and shakes her head at me. 
3)  she wants a hug?
Both: When Ava comes into our visit sometimes she goes and hugs James first and some days she comes to me first.  I guess she loves us both :-)
4)  she wants to play chase?
Dad: The giggle she gets when she wants James to chase her around the room has got to be the cutest sound on the planet!
5)  she wants a lap to sit on while drawing?
Both or Mom:  Lately my lap has been her preferred lap to sit on while we draw but we will also accept the answer, both :-)
6)  she wants to go to lunch?
Neither:  When her caretaker comes to get her for lunch she is very ready to go eat. We try to steal hugs and kisses but we are lucky when we get a wave.  The girl likes her food and is very obedient to her schedule. 
7)  she wants to put her play make up on someone?
Mom:  Sorry to disappoint.  I know most of you wanted to see James as the answer for this one.  I will say that he is a close second.  He usually gets out of it by taking pictures.  I'll try to sneak one and post it. 

That's a little window into our growing relationship with Ava D. 

 Above:  Getting a decent family photo
Below: Attempting to get a decent family photo

Ok, this is one of Ava's cutest moments to date.  She was so into reading this book BY HERSELF.  I tried to read it to her but she wanted to do it alone.  She pointed to the words and tried reading with expression and everything.  Her teacher mother is very proud. 

Ready to get the visitation party started!

Her fine motor skills are getting amazing!  Everything she draws has two eyes, a mouth, and hair.  Sometimes they get a nose too.

Making our hands glow with the flashlight.

James sleeping on the way to Cashiri and Iliya (our driver) sleeping at Cashiri.  We're all glad this isn't reversed! 


pam said...

I did very well on the quiz...I am so proud! Your pictures are so cute, I am glad she is a reader because I love to cuddle and read kid's books! Can't wait! It still looks cold but you both seem to have the right clothing. We are looking forward to hearing your court date and are pr*ying hard. Love you three!

Sheral said...

Missed #5 and #7, thought for sure Ava would be putting makeup on daddy :)

Love to listen as kids "read" their books outloud, so special. Looking forward to being able to ready with her. My first thought when I saw Ava standing in front of the chair what that she looked like a school teacher at the front of the class.

Love ya lots, Mom

Susan said...

awesome pics!! hoping to log on and see your court date. :)
Hopefully soon.

It sure doesn't seem like Ava is off track on anything..she is sooooooo precious and i love how she is so good at drawing and reading!! :)

thanks for inviting me to your blog. it's such a treat. :)

Kelly Vroman said...

hahaha so cute and I was going to reccommend an etch a sketch type of thing for her but looks like you already had that idea!

Brandi said...

ha HA!! I knew Mommy was the softy!! Love you guys.