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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Forget that this is the sixth time we've been to court, or that we first came to Kaz one year ago (March 8th officially marked our one year anniversary of this journey in country), BECAUSE today we were announced the legal parents of Ava Darina Letterneau!!!!!!!!!!!   I will save the really emotional, drawn out, post for the day we actually pick her up from the orphanage but we are thrilled beyond belief today!  Now for the details on part 3 of our court hearing.  Today the weather was pretty warm which meant pretty slushy conditions on the road to Cashiri.  I was worried the whole way that everyone would not make it b/c of the bad roads...but, everyone showed up right on time, and by on time I mean within an hour of our scheduled 9:00 hearing. :-) The prosecutor assigned to the case began by expressing his support of our adoption and confirmed that this was in the best interest of the child.  Next, the judge asked for any final comments from James and me before he announced his verdict (formally).  James stood and confirmed our intentions of adopting Ava and I was pretty much a ball of mush...all I could express was that we love her and that I was thankful that she is a part of our life.  The judge then announced that by the Republic of Kazakhstan, Darina _________(have no clue how to spell or pronounce her birth last name) is now Ava Darina Letterneau and that Kari and James Letterneau will appear as the legal parents on her birth certificate and all legal documents from here forward.  Since Sveta was translating and was standing between James and me, my first hug was for our lawyer, who was sitting in front of me, then to Sveta, and then to my wonderful husband!  WE DID IT!!!      
Here are some pictures of our day today and of the last few visits with the little sweetie!

TODAY - March 9th:
Our Team (from left the right) Svetlana (Orphanage Representative), Jana (Lawyer), Saule (Child Welfare Union Rep.), Kari (Ava's Mama), James (Ava's Dada), Sveta (Our wonderful, amazing, patient, coordinator and certified translator)

We would not have initiated this picture ourselves but Sveta asked us to pose in the judges chair and the secretary seat so, we did :-)

Our happy Ava D.

Women's Day - Monday March 8th:

Although today was incredibly exciting, it has been a rather rough week for James and I health wise.  I came down with a violent stomach flu on Friday night and didn't get out of bed until Monday (Don't worry, I made sure I was fully recovered before I saw Ava).  After I got well, James came down with a fever and is still on the mend.  So, on Women's Day it was just us women at the visit while Daddy stayed home to rest. 

Ava and I had a pretty relaxing visit.  We watched Beauty and the Beast and also played patty cake.  Since Ava can't speak yet I am trying to teach her how to do hand motions to songs I sing since she loves music, singing, and dancing so much.  This day was very special for me b/c one of Ava's caretakers gave me a Women's Day card which she translated from Russian to English.  Since she doesn't speak a lick of English I know this was a big task for her!

Thursday - March 4th - The last day we saw Ava before our sicknesses began!

YES!!  We made it through court.  Now, the 15 day count down begins! 


Jan De Bock said...

Congratulations to Ava for her wonderful parents ! Congrats to you, James and Kari, for your endless love for Ava and your energy that was needed in this long journey. Counting down !!! YEAH !!! Talk to you soon.
Lots of kisses.
Peggy and her boys

Amanda May said...

Praise God! I'm so happy for you all. Our prayers have finally been answered. You all will have such an awesome story for Ava to tell. She will have no doubt how much you guys love her to go through so much to bring her home!


Cindy and Jose Luis said...

Our God is so good! Only He knows why the timing but I believe one day you will understand. We have to trust His plans! Now start making your plans to get home with Ava and hold them before our great and wonderful King and ask Him to bless them. What fantastic news. I pray for safe and speedy travel. Enjoy every minute of the countdown like a mother waiting for her baby to be born! I love you and can't wait to see you again.

Dad said...

I am so excited to be a "Papa" (grandpa)and mom a "Mimi" (grandma)! Obviously many others are excited about the news too... it's 6:40 in the morning and we are the 4th post. People all over the world have been watching, praying and waiting for this day. We can't wait to have the entire Letterneau family back in the states! We love you so much and CONGRATULATIONS!!!

baloo said...

Well, so many congratulations! Tears are in my eyes as I write! Unbelievable news! and wonderful! You don't even know some of the people who have been cheering you on! The ladies I work with, Jaimie, Laura and Sarah are now on pins and needles waiting for this news! They will be soo very happy today, when I bring this latest news to them and they have SOO many, many questions. the most important one, what is the date you will get to TRAVEL! YEA!!!
Love to you, Sandra Sherritt

Molly said...

I am in tears reading these last few posts. Congratulations you guys. What amazingly wonderful news! Ava Letterneau is the most precious little lady and so blessed to have you as her parents. Safe travels back to the U.S.!! I hope you keep the blog updated after you return home! :)

Rae Lynn Lott said...

This is so amazing! Praise the Lord! I can't wait to meet your beautiful daughter!! Come home soon!

Lyle and Darcy said...

Yahoo, finally! These 15 days will just fly by. Just think you'll soon be able to say "This is our last Monday at the Baby House" and so on...That part was so exciting for Lyle & me. Don't forget to enjoy the next couple of weeks as a "twosome". Of course, I'm sure all you do is talk & think about Ava when you're alone!

qmiller said...

Hurray!! Somehow today, I feel as if all of the stars and moons aligned and a miracle happened....so happy for the 3 of you!

Susan said...

congratulations!!!!!! what a wild ride...she is sooo beautiful and sweet and it's so obvious how much you love each other!! awesome awesome awesome!!! thanks for sharing your journey. :)

Jennifer said...

SO HAPPY!! Tears of joy while reading this post! That picture in the courtroom is funny - I bet you guys won't mind never seeing another courtroom again! So excited to meet your beautiful daughter as soon as I can get out there! Love to all!

Erica P said...

Now I am a ball of mush. What an exciting day for you guys! These next 15 days are just going to fly by and soon enough, you will be tucking miss Ava D. into her new bed, in her room painted so sweetly by her father. Gosh I am still tearing up. Congrats guys!!! Thank you for being such an amazing example of patience, persistence and faithfulness

Scott and Paula said...

Yahoo! So so so so happy for all 3 of you! Here's hoping that you are all feeling better from here on out and that the next 15 days pass by quickly!

Lou Ann said...

Congratulations!Great job Mom & Dad & Ava too!

Kelly Vroman said...

Congratulations official mommy and daddy! It just might be one of the best days ever! I hope you continue your blog when you return as I will be dying to see pictures of the excitement as she experiences so many new things. Its crazy to think the biggest and best change of all will be too have a mommy and daddy around the clock something she has long deserved!

Becki Stone said...

This is such wonderful news!!!!! Finally!!!!!!! I'm so very happy for the 3 of you! =) HUGS!

Katy said...

Congratulations ! Yes, you did it !

Few days ...and you wil be together for life !

Big kisses !

Katy, Mikaƫl & Olivia

Aunt Kristie said...

Hi you sweet family you, i am so happy and relieved and relieved that you are feeling well. Please take care and we will pray for a quick 15 days and a safe trip home Love you all.
Auntie Kristie and Uncle Steffan

reneeroses said...

Praise God! Congratulations Kari and James! We can't wait to meet Ava! We love you guys!