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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pictures from the last few days with Ava

The weather here has been really crazy...cold on Thursday and hot the last two days. We've been enjoying everyday with our very busy three year old and love her more each day.

James and I were left to baby sit Ava's group outside which was very interesting. The kids thought throwing sand would be a great activity to partake in while their caretaker was away. I guess the life of a baby house caretaker is not for us. Here Ava is having fun with the girls.

She's going to have so much fun at the beach when we get back to California

What an angel

She has a new found love for bubbles

She is always so full of giggles

Mama would have brought some cuter bandannas if she knew Ava would have to wear them all the time :-)

Someone thought it was a great idea to plant these trees all over Pavlodar. At this time of year the flowers turn to a cotton like substance and blow ALL over the place. Really, it is everywhere. We are told that it's pronounced Phoo. We think this is just perfect!


baloo said...

We thought you would have the baby with you full time after Court. Also, could you tell us if you have a return date yet? Many MUST be anxiously waiting to hear that!
You will be sleeping soon. So God Bless you and the pics are so precious. thankx for keeping them coming!
Love, Sandra Sherritt

Dad said...

Ava looks like such a natural scooping sand into her bucket. I can't wait till she can play at the beach and even get on a surfboard soon! Can't wait to see you three!
I love you.

Erica P said...

She is the happiest girl I have ever seen! Please bring her home so we can enjoy this little angel in person. I love you guys and miss you terribly. Muah!

Aunt Kristie said...

The trees have leaves like a cotton wood tree but the cotton isn't that big. the branches look like them too kind of willowy, that must be a young tree?? Hope you are having fun. Our weather has been cold and hot too. We will miss you at GPS party.
Love you,
Aunt Kristie