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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Pretty In Pink

We wanted to let you all know that we are going to probably be updating the blog about every two days from now on. We are staying up way too late updating it each night :-) On the other hand, we may not be able to stay away so we might continue it daily. I just wanted to let you all know so you don't worry if you don't see new updates daily from now on.
Ava looked soooooo cute in her new pink Gotcha Day dress. Again, today she was walking a TON and being very vocal. What a blessing she is!


Aunt Kristie said...

When Does Ava get to stay with you in the apartment? Does that happen or is it too hard on her? It will be interesting.. with the way God has been busy with you things are shaping up faster than the speed of light. i hope that it is a smooth sailing ship. We love you and God Bless your family.
Aunt Kristie and Uncle Steffan

Lou Ann said...

So I'm just wondering if they waived the waiting period or not? Usually Gottcha Day is when you get to take them from the baby house but maybe things are different in your region. Either way congratulations Mom & Dad and you'll be in your REAL home with Ava soon enough.

So happy for you & your family.
Lou Ann & Lexie too

James said...

No we do not have Ava right now. We probably won't have her 100% of the time until after the 15-day Waiting Period (which has not been waived).

Also, we're counting our successful court date at Ava's Gotcha Day. This is a big accomplishment in this long adoption process and we want to celebrate it. I guess families have to choose between the court date or the end of the Waiting Period, and this family chose the court date. =)

pam said...

You need to start getting good sleeps because pretty soon you will not be the only 2 in the house! Parenthood requires plenty of shut eye! We will survive without daily pics somehow! We do love seeing that pretty face everyday! Love youxoxoxo Mom

Lou Ann said...

I think you deserve to have two Gotcha Days after all you've been through!!! I've followed a lot of other Kazakh adoptive family stories and you all have had the hardest in country time. You have been the most persistent and patient and I applaud you. But you get to take home the best prize of all.....AVA!!!

God bless your beautiful family.
Lou Ann

pam said...

I miss your blog everyday! I miss you!! Love, Mom

Sheral said...

I agree with Mimi, you said every two days and by my calendar it's been three ~ what's up with that? (JK) Love you all, Grandma