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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Mama Needs a Chil Pill

Yes, Friday was bit stressful for me (I’m not being serious here…just being silly)  We showed up and Ava was in an adorable sweater provided by the orphanage.  This was the first time I had ever approved of the clothes they brought her to us in.  I was thrilled to not use up one of the sweaters we brought from home.  But, when Ava found the poncho I packed, she also wanted that over her sweater.  Ok, she’s four…it doesn’t look cute but I’ll let her have her way.  Then I went to do Ava’s hair and put on her cute little head band.  Aww, much better.  Nope, Ava sees another head band in the bag and decides she wants two head bands on.  Next came Daddy’s scarf and my Ugg boots, that went up to her hips, and before I knew it my little super model was looking more like a little rag muffin.  So, there were few pictures that came out of Friday that I approved of but boy did we have some good laughs!  She is a funny one. 

Tonight we had a great hour and a half long skype chat with Peggy and Jan!  Oh we miss them but it almost felt like they were back here with us for that short time.  We even played celebrity (a Charades type game) with them like old times. 

In other more serious news, our bonding end on Wednesday!  We are applying to court that day and hope to be in court within in a week or two at most.  We have heard that this judge is very supportive of our case and is in favor of getting us in a quickly as he can.  PLEASE pray for a quick date.  What a blessing it would be to get court behind us and head into the final stages of our trip.

 This is how she came to us.  What a cute little sweater huh?

These boots are made for walkin

Talking with Dad

Dreaming of going outside again one day :-)  I told her that in California there is no such thing as "too cold" for outside time. 

We bought her a new coloring book today so there were lots of smiles!

Ava ended the visit today by uniting all of our hands together.  She's such a love.


Tiffany Peek said...

Zaine said it makes him fell so happy to see you with her :O)

Unknown said...

Hi guys! Your comments reminded me of another family who adopted from Kachiri. When they took their 6 year old daughter grocery shopping for the first time she wanted to put everything she could in the shopping cart. She wasn't being naughty, she thought she was being helpful and had no concept of what you put in the cart you have to pay for - she had never learned about money and buying things. I wonder if on a simpler level Ava has no concept of why should need only 1 sweater when she can have 2? She is such a precious little girl and I can't begin to explain how thrilled I am that she belongs with you. You are all in our prayers and we are missing you! Emma xx

Kari said...

- Thanks Zaine. Ava and I will be around the Academy before you know it!
- Em, that's a cute story and I think you're right. Plus, they do dress those kids in a million layers during the winter so she probably thought she was showing us the right way to do things :-)

Erica P said...

Aww that made me want to cry. I cannot believe I am going to get to see you in a week. A WEEK! I have never wanted anything more in my life. I will deal with the craziness of travels because it means seeing my best friend, my brother and my niece. Love you so much!

Heather and Spencer said...

SO happy for you that things are going smoothly on this trip! Ava truly looks so happy!

Kelly Vroman said...

The uniting of hands was precious!!! And I am sure you have many years of her dressing herself against her best judgement to come;-)

Susan said...

She is a loooove!! and, even in the boots and poncho, she's still gorgeous!
I will pray for a super quick court date. Is there any chance they'd let you have custody of Ava during the 15 day waiting period after court?I know they never waive it, but i remember in some regions the parents got to take the kiddo back to their apartment.
She will so love being a California fashionista! :)