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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Photos are up...

Last trip we were so good about posting photos. It seems that this time we are only getting to it once a week. Sorry for that. Here are some pics of Princess Ava Darinka! The 25th is coming quickly. Our countdown is at 9 days...single digits...wow! Tomorrow I teach an art lesson for Ava's group.  I will take many pics.

We had way too much fun with this gold wig!

In our CP research we found that teaching a child to drink out of a straw is great for language development.  Ava is doing great using a straw and James is doing an equally good job at teaching her and holding her lips together while she sucks the juice. 
Rocky the Robot returns!  Ava was glad to have her old friend back :-)

Rocky even got a bedtime song

Darling little Hippy Girl

One of the happiest little ones I've ever met...Always smiling!

Ava loves this poncho b/c of the pockets.  She always steels Daddy's change and carries it around all day. 

Daddy-Daughter love

We got to see Ava's art work displayed in her room!  She was very proud...so were we :-)

Dancing Queen

4 year olds rock!  What a fun age!

Never gets enough of him!

Too cute or what?

Counting to three before the game of chase begins!

James and I are doing far less coloring these days.  Ava D. has been more interested in coloring herself.  Her specialty is people.

Family time!  I must comment on my hair since it has changed colors from the beginning to the end of this post.  Long story short:  I brought a box die from home to touch up my roots here in case it was needed.  Well, it turned my hair a yellow, orange, gold color (insert my mother saying "I told you so" here)  So, I made many atempts at getting rid of that color and adding the blond I was used to which worked temporarily but then the orange came back.  So, yesterday my hair dresser (yes I have my own hair dresser in Kaz now) and I decided to go back to my natural light brown color and then I can get highlights in it once I get back home.  I am finally happy with the color and is happy to not hear about my hair troubles any longer!

We had quite the dance party at the visit yesterday.  Under no circumstances do I usually let Ava wear this dreaded pink suit but we forgot a change of clothes :-(  I can't wait to never see this outfit on her again!  9 days :-)

I MISS MY SEWING MACHINE!!!!!  I am seriously missing my doll making and other crafts.  Please place an order if you have a special event coming up soon and would like a handmade gift from my shop!  


Sheral said...

Single digits ~ Yay!!! Thanks for taking the time to post the pictures, I so loooove to see them.
Love to each of you,

Jennifer said...

Love all the pics! My favorite is of James teaching Ava to use the straw - his lips are puckered too! Praying for a smooth transition home - so soon! Praise the Lord! Tell Ava her Aunt Niffy can't wait to hug her! Love you guys!

Aunt Kristie said...

Oh Kari your hair looks beautiful as usual, i have been creating my own hair colors too, i have a beautiful copper color going on with a lovely shade of orange thanks to my home hair care solutions this morning i was adding purple and fanciful fawn to tone down the red it works for today but there is always tomorrow , katie is going to help me when they come over this saturday, i can't wait for you all to get home, it will be sad to see the story end in Kaz but i know you will be back and somehow play an important part for the people there just like your sister too. you all are amazing peole, we are lucky to be your family.
Love you all, Auntie Kristie