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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Country Girl

Today was a big day in Ava's life; she was introduced to country music for the first time. James and I got a new computer right before we left and we realized once we got here that we didn't have I-tunes on our new laptop, thus, no music. We finally got it today thanks to our friend. We took a break from our baby genius DVDs to watch a slide show of the trip and listen to some music! Ava loved it and climbed right into my lap to look at the pictures while she bounced to the music.
We just got home and are going to begin working on our "speeches" for court. One more full day with Ava until court!

Ava was a little bit grumpy for our first visit this morning.

Ava and Mama watching screen saver pictures of our trip and listening to Keith Urban!

So cute in all that red!

Princess Ava on her throne and Dada on the Kiddie stool.


Becki Stone said...

Everyone loves a country girl!! I have to agree- she looks soooo cute in red! One more day till court! How exciting! :) Best of luck!

Erica P said...

I cannot believe it is almost here! So do you get her the day after court? Oh my gosh! I miss you guys terribly and cannot wait to see all of you! And what perfect timing too...grandpa's birthday is on the 13th of next month! That is going to be one happy day. Love you guys! P.S. She fits into the family more and more...first with her love for puzzles and now with her liking country music!

Erica P said...

Oh and we are all praying for you and your court date! You guys are going to knock em dead in there.

Sheral said...

I'm waiting patiently (not!) till Ava is an official member of the family, it's so close now and so exciting. Looking forward to seeing all three of you very soon.
Love, Grandma
P.S. She does look good in red - I liked red the best on Auntie Cole and Cousin Kyleigh too when they were little.

James said...

Just finished our prepared speeches. Thank you all for your prayers! We won't know about custody until the court date, but we'll let you know ASAP! And yes, red is a good color on her. My wife says I look good in red too... but I'm not as cute as Ava.

Aunt Kristie said...

Hang in there it will soon be a distant memory and a wonderful book can be made from your blog too. Love you all see you soon!
Auntie Kristie

pam said...

Yippee, it is almost here!!! Just be yourselves and it will go very well! It is so easy to see such dedication and love between you two and Ava D. The judge will see how fortunate Ava Darina is... and of course what a blessing she is to you too! Hugs and Kisses...Mimi

Kelly Vroman said...

So I was thinking about how much her wardrobe has changed since you guys have arrived;-) And then I started thinking good luck packing to come back home-she has accumulated quite the amount of clothes! I also thought that Ava and Kari would have made a great Christmas Card in their green and red! Good luck with the court date!

Kari said...

Kelly...ha...I have to admit that I thought about the red and green before going to see her yesterday and almost considered changing :-) We brought most of the clothes with us b/c I had two years of looking at cute little girl clothes and just couldn't resist! The clothes here aren't very cute and are very expensive. But yes, we have accumulated many things on this trip and will really have to stuff our bags on the way home!

Kelly Vroman said...

I was actually wondering that-it would prob cost a fortune to send a box of clothes out there but I just feel like I have soo many clothes and they clearly could use them because they dress them up in the same outfit everyday! But then again maybe they do that to keep it simple.