Ok, well not exactly the beach, but it's as close as it gets here in Kazakhstan. The locals call the sand by the river "The Beach". Today we walked down to the water between our visits and saw people laying out in the sun and playing volleyball in the sand. It made us feel a little more at home. There are also a few fountains that have been recently turned on that are near the river. They are so pretty. When we got here it was about 15 degrees and today was in the 80's...I think that should be the 12th sign you've been in Kaz too long.
This is one of our favorite faces that Ava makes. In this picture Ava surprisingly took a break from coloring to watch Monster's Inc. with Dada.
Ava is learning the sounds that different animals make with the help of the Baby House murals and Mama.
Never thought I'd be so excited about a fountain. We've been waiting many weeks for when they'd finally get turned on.
The beautiful Pavlodar Square Fountain!
James with the Irtysh River behind him.
Kari on the many steps that lead to the beach.
I really can't think of a caption for this photo but I just love her face so we had to post it.
Ava thought it was pretty cool that she could see herself in Dada's glasses.
Our little cutie's hair is getting so long. We are noticing that it's lightening up now that the sun is out.
Ava is pooped...or maybe just tired of pictures :-)
We do thank you for continued prayer as court is coming in about a week. I am getting nervous I must admit.
I did notice Ava's hair getting longer a couple of blogs ago, good that is grows fast. I wish I could have gone to "the beach" with you guys. The fountain is beautiful, Pavlador certainly is a pretty place. Praying for a smooth court date.
Love, Mom aka Grandma
I love the "beach!" Did you have to buy new clothes? I would hate to pack for 15 degrees, and still be there when it is 80!
I too love the look of awe on Ava's face!
Praying for you three!
The cross is beautiful it brings peace to everyone here. Court date is soon... breath deep... you will soon all be home. Take it one day at a time just like you have done since you got there. We love you guys and pray that it is smooth sailing, there will always be bumps in the road.
Love you,
Aunt Kristie
Becki...Yes, the clothing issue has been difficult :-) I only brought long pants but luckily I packed a few short sleeve shirts since our agency warned us to wear layers since the buildings are all very heated in the winter. I may need to make a trip to the market to buy a skirt or some shorts if it gets much warmer!
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