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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Finding Nemo And Our Adoption Journey

Well, I guess if you watch any movie over and over in a short period of time, you'll begin to find parallels to your own life. Here we have 6 amazing similarities between Finding Nemo and our adoption journey in Kaz.

1. The Lucky Fin

Nemo has one fin that is smaller than the other and it doesn't work quite as well as it should.

Ava has a lucky arm which she doesn't like to use nearly as much as the other one!

2. Naughty Behavior

Nemo disobeys his father when he swims out into open water to touch the "butt"(boat).

Ava wants to walk outside the baby house gates even when Mommy and Daddy say no.

3. It's a big ocean out there

Marlin and Dori go on a great adventure across the whole ocean to find Nemo and bring him home.
We have traveled across the world to find and bring little Ava home.

4. Faithful Friends and Family

Marlin and Dori find many friends along the way who help them get through their difficult journey.
[Insert your picture here]
We have found friends here in Kaz who have helped us get through the rough times. We also have our friends and family back home who have been supporting us the whole way through.

5. Obstacles along the way

Marlin and Dori run into some problems on their way to Nemo. Sharks, Jelly Fish, Seagulls, and Whales!

All three of us have encountered our own problems on this journey. But the biggest of all is torn paper

6. Happily Ever After

In the end the family is reunited and safely back at home.

We know that someday very soon we will be back at home with our family. We can't wait for our happy ending.


Erica P said...

Aw that was cute. I want to go out and buy a lot of Nemo things for you guys now! You guys have been through so much these past months but I am sure it has resulted in a growing of faith. And just imagine when you are telling this story to your other kids...they are going to see how truly blessed they are to have parents like you. When you read this it will be Mother's Day so Kar I am so excited to say to you for the first time...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!! Love you guys!

Brandi said...

Happy Mother's Day Kar! Your Nemo comparison was so cute!! Hope you guys have a wonderful week with Ava!

Sheral said...

Great story ~ You will soon be home with your own happy ending which in turn starts your family's wonderful beginning. Happy Mother's Day Kari! Love to all of you,

Kelly Vroman said...

I liked the Nemo comparison chart also-I kept thinking you would compare being stuck in the dentist fish tank to being stuck behind the baby gate walls! Have a good day!

Jennifer said...

Happy Mother's Day, Kar!! Love you!

pam said...

I too love your Nemo story! Happy first Mother's Day Kari! Can't wait for your happy ending! Love you!

Becki Stone said...

This is so sweet! You have to make sure you scrap/memory book this post! I LOVE it!