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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

Yes, it's hot here in Pavlodar and we are definitely not prepared. Silly us, we only brought clothes for the end of winter/beginning of spring! Who knew we'd still be here at the end of May. So, we (by "we" I mean "me") got to buy some summer clothes from the outdoor market today. James is so sweet and understanding that, even though we have not an extra cent to spend, sometimes a girl just needs some new clothes! I only packed long pants which is much too hot and my only pair of casual jeans have ripped. Today I got a skirt, along with some capris and other warm weather clothing items. Ilyia was with us and helped us get some good deals.

Along with the warm weather comes mosquitoes! Yuck. Mosquitoes have always loved me and I am already getting eaten alive. We bought some bug spray and I started using it today so we'll see how it works. Ilyia says that this is nothing compared to the amount of mosquitoes that will be around by July and then he added that he hopes we'll be long gone by then :-) We do too!

We had a really wonderful day with Ava. She was so happy and sweet. There is a cute little boy that we play with outside who totally has a crush on her! It's so sweet how he always tries to help her and he always brings over his toys and gives them to her. This little boy is being adopted by a local family...yay!

Tonight we went to dinner with the other adoptive families. We had a great time exchanging stories, pictures, and laughs. We are getting together tomorrow night for movies at Linda and Dave's awesome apartment which we call "The Flat".

Oh she is such a Daddy's girl!

Cute girl

In her summer dress (Which I actually bought as her Easter dress but it was too cold on Easter to wear it.)

Emma let us borrow a Baby Einstein DVD which Ava really enjoys watching with Mama on the big chair.

Taking some time to rest in the shade

Waiting for Ilyia to pick us up from our afternoon visit. The weather only seems to get hotter as the day goes on. 5:00 seems to be the hottest time of the day.

At Krendal (One of the most popular restaurants/bakeries in Pavlodar) with our adoptive family friends.
Can't believe its after 10:00. It stays light here until about 9:30 so I'm all thrown off! Goodnight from Kaz.


Sheral said...

It does my heart good to know you have very good friends around you while you are so far from home. Please let them know that prayers are going up for them as well. Love ya lots, Mom P.S. my granddaughter sure is cute!

Aunt Kristie said...

Well i agree my great neice is cute too! Just like those Minnesota, North Dakota summers with the bugs!
"Mosquitoe 101"
What are some natural ways to repel mosquitoes?

A. It's not for everyone but as an avid hiker i swear by rubbing a garlic clove pinched to get the juiceflowing all over exposed skin. this is better, and cheaper than dangerous deet products. also avoid perfumed soaps, cosmetics, hair goop or anything that smells even like deodorant

A. I have been making a tea out of herbs from my herb garden of cat mint and rosemary and it is working for me! I just cut the leaves and stems up in a cup and pour in a cup of boiling water and let it steep for an hour or so, then keep it in spray bottle in the fridge. Also, tea tree oil works.

A. When we lived in Malaysia, the locals swore that eating lots of bananas provided the best protection against mosquitoes. The only rider was that they had to be the small bananas (lady fingers, we called them). Don't know how you feel about bananas, but it seemed to work for us :) Cheers - Hush

A. I like these two: Rub citronella oil on exposed areas or burn citronella candles.
Tansy or basil planted near a door will repel mosquitoes

A. We have plenty here too. We apply Avon Skin so Soft liberally before going outside. It really works, it's a little oily but washes off with soap when we come back in and shower. I have read where rubbing a Bounce (fabric softener) sheet on arms, legs and face deters them. Golfers hang a sheet from their belts, but I haven't tried this. Hope this info. helps you, God Bless you and yours. - Shirley

A. I, also, live in the Blue Ridge Mountains and mosquitoes can be a problem here. First I don't wear perfume of any kind: shower gel, deodorant, shampoos all without perfumes. No attractants. Next, when I know I'll be outside I take garlic supplements or eat foods with garlic. An excellent repellent. Also, I use Skin So Soft Original Scent products. I have, also, used pennyroyal and mint crushed and wrapped in a bandana wore around my neck. Don't forget the pets. They can be wiped down with Skin So Soft and wear an herbal necklace, too. Lastly, if bitten I never scratch the biten area but I will slap it to bring blood and antihistamines to the area.

A. Bob, a fisherman, takes one vitamin B-1 tablet a day April through October . He said it works. He was right. The odor the tablet gives out through your skin (YOU can not smell it) repels mosquitos, black flies, no seeum's, and gnats. It does not work on stinging insects. Hasn't had a mosquito bite in 33 years. Try it. Every one he has talked into trying it works on them. Vitamin B-1( Thiamine Hydrochloride 100 mg.) Kenn said NPR reports that if you eat bananas, the mosquitoes like you, something about the banana oil as your body processes it. (Maybe they need the potassium too- lol) Stop eating bananas for the summer and the mosquitoes will be much less interested.

There is your lesson for today! Love you,
Aunt Kristie

Erica P said...

Hello sister and brother. I miss you so. I hope you are staying positive through all of this. There is a light at the end of the tunnel even though you may not be able to see it yet....it's there. You guys are great. Love you so much! Give Ava hugs and kisses for me. James you're a sweet guy for letting sister buy clothes!

Lyle and Darcy said...

Speaking from experience, the whole Kaz adoption process just comes down to luck. Hang in there! Your process has been very trying, I'm sure. I hope you will soon be on your way home as a family of 3.

p.s. Linda and Dave are from our hometown and used the same agency we did. Pls remind Linda I helped her plan a fundraiser last spring and that we say hello and wish them all the best. Pls tell her that we have our baby at home and he's fantastic!

pam said...

Both you girls look so cute in your spring clothes. What size is Miss Ava D? Love you all! Mom (Mimi)