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Ava is home! Naturally, Kari is itching to get back to her crafts, and now she has a new model! Continue to check out her blog to see the latest and greatest.

We now have a blog devoted to Kari's fundraising crafts! Please take a moment to browse the website and, if you like what you see, share this new blog with your friends and family! http://avaadoptionfundraising.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Since Ava loves crafts so much we bought her a kids stain glass (plastic) sun catcher kit. She loved it! She's going to fit in great with all our family and friends who are so crafty! I keep thinking that one of these days we wont have enough pictures to post to the blog but we always seem to get a good amount of them.
Ava is continuing to bond with us so well. We couldn't have asked for a better situation in that area. She lights up when we walk in and gives us hugs and smiles when we leave. We can see her motivation and confidence growing as a result of her trust in us. She is such a joy and we can't wait for everyone to finally meet her.
We miss home terribly and think of everyone back home constantly. Thanks for those of you who purchased bags. The women are very grateful.

April showers bring May flowers

We love that everything is getting so green.

Ava is so happy to be outside without her coat or jacket on!
Picking at these flowers means purple hands for Ava.

She knows the perfect place to dump all that sand.

Peeking to see if anyone is hiding in the shed

Lately she has built and climbed on this little contraption for a perfect view of her movie.

Something we love about Ava is that she "gets us". James and I are kind of a goofy pair and she just seems to fit right in.


Becki Stone said...

It is funny- in all the pictures I see I have said many times that Miss Ava looks like she fits in with you two! I've been told several times that a way higher power is involved when finding children a forever home! You are proof of that! :)
As always I love the pictures!!! Take care!

Aunt Kristie said...

Well that purple flower happens to be a lilac whis is absolutely beautiful like our little Ava. We think that Ava looks like James her lips and nose too. It looks just so bright green there Kari how wonderful, did you get my bag order i need two. We love you,
Auntie Kristie

Kelly Vroman said...

Its amazing how beautiful it looks once everything has turned green over there! That should help brighten the days a little! She is so cute-I know I say it everytime but really she is so adorable!